Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Hair Color Dilemma =/

Focus on the hair color, people! Not the face! :p
Hi guys!

It's almost a month away before Chinese New Year (on 10th February 2013 to be exact), and according to the Chinese's belief, you are expected to have your hair cut before the H day. It's to dump shit, they say (or at least that is what my mother always says). Nahh, I don't buy that, but I can't miss the chance to visit the salon and change my hairstyle without my mom ranting behind my back either. ;)

So, let me show you my current hair style with its indistinct color and ultimate dryness! Oh! and current skin tone too. (Yes, beside changing my hairstyle, I also love changing my skin tone. Weird hobby, huh? -.-")
For this year, I plan to just cut it a little bit shorter. Like 3 centimeters shorter than the first photo (that first photo only shows the front part of my hair, that's why it's shorter than the other two photos), and I'll keep the fringe. Problem is, I can't decide the hair color. Help me!!

What new hair color should I get?

Why there is no natural colors like brunette or black? Well, I can always opt for that color later in life. I'm only young once! :D

Thanks for helping!



  1. ok, I'll put it into consideration. LoL~
    but what if you can only choose between those 3?? :D

  2. creamyyy blondeee~! :p
