Tuesday, December 18, 2012

DIY Simple Christmas Present: Friendship Bracelet

Hello folks!

Guess what! Guess what!?! CHRISTMAS is around the corner! Yahooo! Me so excited! :D :D

So, anyone of you is wondering about what gift to give to your friends?? Do you plan on giving a HANDMADE gift because you think it's more special; but you are too afraid because you don't have creativity skill level 100 and is on a tight budget?? Well, don't be!

I'm about to give you an idea for an easy and cheap gift that even a NOOB like me can make. This is my first ever DIY tutorial: FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS! (Oh, I'm being a good girl, Santa Baby. Now check out my Christmas wishlist! :p)

What Do You Need:
1. The Templates (Print them out on hard papers)
     Template 1 - rainbows, checkers, stripes, stripes & dots
     Template 2 - hearts, flowers, diamonds, chevrons
2. Embroidery Floss (I bought it at Daiso for RM5/package)
3. Scissor

How to make: (FYI, video tutorial down below!)
1. Cut the templates
2. Poke a hole in the middle and cut the lines around the circle
3. Look at your chosen template. Count the number of each colors (9 greens, 6 reds, 1 yellow). Cut the embroidery floss at 50 cm long for each color based on that counts. Double tie the end.
4. Put the knot inside the hole and hook the strands according to the colors on the template.
5. Unhook the strand at the start point(right side) on the top and hook it at the right side of its downside. Then unhook the leftest strand on the bottom and hook it at the left side of its upside.
6. Turn it counter-clockwise and do the next dots with the same method. Keep doing until it reaches the desired length. (It's like a MAGIC!! :p)
7. When you are done, unhook all the strands and pull it down. Tie the end, then give a space of one finger and tie another knot.
8. Tidy up the excess strands on the both side and VOILA, you are finished!
Pink Forget Me Not Flower :)
How was it? It is not hard at all, although it took me 1 hours 30 minutes to create one. lol (What a newbie! XD) Go now! Try to make one! And if you don't understand my stupid explanation, just watch this video from Homemade Gifts Made Easy.


Have fun, guys! :)
